Below, we offer a series of tips to keep in mind if you want to extend the life of your shoes and keep them looking like new. These simple tips, which not everyone knows, are basic care tips that we will never forget:
Don't pile them up:
This first tip seems obvious, but it is difficult to find a place in the house to put our pairs of shoes in their boxes, since they take up a lot of space, so another option is to place them in a shoe rack, but always clean and in a suede bag that protects them from any avoidable friction..
But never pile them up and especially without protection, as this will mean that they will soon look old, as they will become scratched and stained as well as deformed.
Using shoe trees:
When we take off our shoes, it is not enough to leave them in the shoe rack. The correct thing to do is to put a kind of shoe tree or a ball of paper in them that adapts to the shape of the shoe, so that it becomes less deformed. If we use paper, we also ensure that the paper absorbs moisture, from our sweat or from any rain that has soaked in.
Using a shoehorn:
It is an unusual action that can greatly extend the life of our shoes, in addition to making our job easier when putting them on, it protects the shoe from the pressure we apply by making all this pressure fall on it.
Placing the laces correctly:
Having the laces placed symmetrically ensures that when you pull on them, the force is distributed evenly and does not damage the tongue as much, nor leave as many marks.
Do not use them every day:
The use of shoes should be moderate, alternating one with another, since the leather can become deformed if it is not allowed to “rest”. It is advisable to allow a whole day for each day that we use them.
Have a cleaning kit:
Cleaning is one of the most important things to do and we should not do it when we are going to put them on, but we should never put a shoe away without cleaning it, the stains and dust will be looser, which will make our job easier.
Using the right products to clean each material is also a point to take into account. We must not forget the greases, creams and protectors that waterproof and moisturize the skin.
To achieve a good cleaning, we must learn some tricks that will leave us amazed with the results. A clear example is the use of glass cleaner to polish patent leather or other shiny leathers, which will make scratches practically unnoticeable.