Footwear is one of the most important elements of our wardrobe, not only aesthetically but also functionally. Nowadays it would be difficult to live without footwear. Footwear allows us to walk on all types of surfaces, minimising the risk of injury. However, a poor choice of footwear can lead to health problems in the medium and long term.
Footwear is one of the most important elements of our wardrobe, not only aesthetically but also functionally. Nowadays it would be difficult to live without footwear. Footwear allows us to walk on all types of surfaces, minimising the risk of injury. However, a poor choice of footwear can lead to health problems in the medium and long term.
According to doctors, 70% of the Spanish population has some kind of foot problem and according to experts, most of these problems could be solved by choosing the right footwear for our feet. According to these experts, bunion surgery is the 5th most requested surgery in social security. We all like pretty things and in the world of footwear there are also very striking and eccentric models that if what you want is to be the centre of attention, you will achieve it, but we can never lose sight of the functionality of the footwear and that if we want healthy feet, our footwear must be comfortable and fit the particularities of our feet. We have all bought shoes at some time, because of their aesthetics, because they are fashionable or because of their price without first thinking about how they will fit on our feet and this is a serious mistake that will end up taking its toll on us.
We give you 4 tips when choosing footwear that will help you maintain healthy feet.
1. The first and most obvious thing is to buy shoes that are our size. Neither too big nor too small, and although it may seem obvious, many times and for different reasons we do not choose the right size. A basic tip to get it right would be to choose the size that offers a margin of one centimetre between the tip of our toes and the end of the shoe, measuring the tip from our longest toe.
2. The next aspect to take into account is the shape and size factor. We must look for models that adapt to our feet and not the other way around. This will not be a problem if you order a model from José de Mora, since we will take all the necessary measurements of your foot and make your shoe or boot to fit your proportions. A wide foot requires a wider shoe, for example, a foot with a high arch will require a different shape than someone with a flat foot.
3. You have to take into account the material from which the shoe is made. Ideally, the material is breathable enough and allows for a reduction in the accumulation of moisture in the foot. In this sense, shoes made of synthetic fabrics allow very little breathability. It is advisable to use shoes made of natural leathers such as those we use at José de Mora and 5V.
4. Another important factor is the type of sole. In urban life, we will usually be walking on smooth and very hard surfaces most of the time, which requires a shock absorber, especially if we spend many hours walking. The muscles of the foot are our natural shock absorber, but on long walks it becomes insufficient, causing pain in our feet. That is why we need flexible soles with sufficient shock absorption capacity. At José de Mora and %V we use adapted soles to improve the shock absorption of the foot in all our models.
5. Finally, it is important to take into account the support of the heel area. We must choose footwear that allows us to maintain the correct position of the foot and prevents it from bending when we walk, as this can lead to twisting or even spraining the ankle.
With these simple tips we will be able to maintain the health of our feet and once our footwear meets these requirements, we can begin to think about purely aesthetic aspects.