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Footwear trends for 2021

Footwear, as we all know, is an essential item when it comes to achieving a perfect look. The coherence between footwear, accessories and clothing is what differentiates an elaborate look from a meaningless mix of garments. In this article we are going to highlight the trends in footwear for this year 2021. The characteristics of this year's footwear that we must highlight are...

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Suede boots, what they are and how to care for them

The suede boots They have become very fashionable in recent times, especially those made by hand, if we want our suede boots to last, the first thing is to know what they are suede boots, what material they are made of and then follow some tips for their maintenance.

The suede It is a type of leather from different animals, although normally bovine is used. It is obtained by mechanically separating the layers of the skin. This results in a leather with a very fine finish and a velvety feel, which attracts attention just by looking at it. Production costs are low in proportion to its subsequent sale price and the resulting quality. It is also very uniform leather, without marks, since by using the deepest layer of skin, it is protected by the superficial layers of the animal's skin. In addition to being fine, it is also hard and resistant, but it requires special care.

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5V Valverde makes the boots for the most anticipated play in Spain after the pandemic, “Antoine”

5V Valverde makes the boots for the most anticipated play in Spain after the pandemic, “Antoine”.

Antoine is a musical play that brings together on stage the protagonist of The Little Prince with Antoine Saint Exupéry, the adventurer and writer who brought it to life. After a premiere frustrated by the pandemic, the play premiered again on November 26.

Antoine tells us the story of the last 15 years of the life of Antoine Saint Exupéry, the writer of the acclaimed work “The Little Prince”, is the story of a man with an adventurous spirit, who worked as a pilot for air transport and postal companies in Africa and South America, but who was also a writer, journalist and humanist. Throughout the work, the author's life is revealed in detail, aspects that shaped his personality and that can also be seen in his main literary legacy. He disappeared without a trace in 1944 while on a reconnaissance flight over the Mediterranean.

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5V Valverde has been present at the great La Copa de SM El Rey Dressage Championship

5V Valverde has been present at the great La Copa de SM El Rey Dressage Championship, held at the Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art in Jerez de la Frontera. At this special competition, 5V Valverde presented its collection of riding boots created by the designer JOSE DE MORA at the fantastic fashion show organised by the renowned designer Rocío Ruíz. This collaboration between designers has caused a great sensation in the world of horses and equestrian fashion. Below we show you some images of our participation in this event. 

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Ideal shoes for this fall 2020

As autumn is about to begin, with the deciduous trees ready to start dropping their leaves, it is time to renew our shoe rack. In most stores we can already find the new shoe collections that will continue to focus on comfort and modern style, but with new shapes and designs. One of the new trends for this autumn of 2020 will be the combination of different materials and textures, to achieve an original effect.

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Elegant men's footwear for a formal look

Choosing the right shoes is an important decision that will have a fundamental influence on our look. At first glance, it may seem like a simple task, but it is not so easy if we want to combine elegance and modernity.

Choosing the right footwear can provide the extra touch that any formal look needs, but if we make a mistake, it can ruin the whole outfit.

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Tips for choosing a comfortable shoe

There is no doubt that the most important thing about our footwear should be its comfort. This universal truth may seem obvious, but it is not.

Let's take an example of a situation that has happened to all of us at some point. We have all seen some beautiful shoes in a shop window, and despite trying them on in the shop and finding that they hurt when we walked, we have ended up at home with the happy idea of breaking them in so that they don't hurt. This is one of those mistakes that we should avoid, since good shoes should never bother us, not even when we try them on in the shop, because if we didn't feel comfortable just after that short walk, we can imagine what will happen if we want to attend an event with them.

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Benefits of wearing leather shoes

During the manufacturing process of footwear, there are two elements that determine its final quality. On the one hand, and most importantly, are the materials used, which may represent 70% of the final quality, and on the other hand, the final finish in the assembly process represents practically the remaining 30%.

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