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Basic process for making a handmade shoe

Before starting the process, it is necessary to have a shoe last that has the specific measurements of the foot in question. Each foot is different, so it is necessary to first take the measurements of both the left and right foot to create the shoe last. To measure the foot, we will use a tape measure. In a later article, we will explain how to take the correct measurements of the foot.

Once the artisan shoemaker has the measurements of each foot, he makes a shoe last for each one and saves them so as not to have to take the measurements again for future orders.

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The history of footwear in Valverde del Camino

Throughout the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, Valverde del Camino has been the second industrial centre in the province of Huelva after the capital. This is because in most towns in the province the main sectors are divided into agriculture and livestock, fishing, tourism and mining. Valverde is also in a privileged location for the industry of the province, halfway between the north and the south and the east and the west of the province. Valverde has been able to take advantage of these conditions and focus on industry to supply the entire province with manufactured products.


Without a doubt, Valverde's star products are furniture manufacturing and footwear manufacturing, the latter being the best-known product manufactured in Valverde and the most produced.

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The origins of the high heel shoe

First of all, we must bear in mind that high heels and high-heeled shoes are not the same thing. Heels are present today in a large part of shoes aimed at the female public. This type of shoe, so common today, does not have its origins in an aesthetic function as one might think, nor were they initially intended to be used by women. They were used for military purposes and were initially worn exclusively by men.


We have to go back to the 16th century to find the first truly high-heeled shoes. These originated in Persia, and were used by army riders to get a better grip on the horse's stirrups and therefore facilitate the use of bows and other weapons while riding.


At that time, the Shah of Persia had an English military advisor, Robert Shirley, who was in charge of advising the Shah on all kinds of military matters. At one point, the advisor was sent on a tour of the European continent that would take him to England, Spain, France and Italy in search of allies to fight the powerful Ottoman Empire. During this trip, the use of the heel by Persian horsemen became known and it was not long before it was adopted by some European armies.

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Cleaning and caring for leather shoes

Shoe care has long been a symbol of elegance. Until very recently, it was common to find shoe shiners on every corner of the main streets, and even in the largest hotels.

This importance is due to two main reasons: the first is the importance that footwear has for the rest of the outfit, since good footwear will undoubtedly improve the outfit you wear, but on the contrary, it can make the best of suits look poor quality if you wear dirty or old shoes. The second reason is precisely because of the value of the shoe, well-kept footwear indicates that its value is high, in other words, that it is worth your time to take care of it.

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Tips to make your shoes last longer

Below, we offer a series of tips to keep in mind if you want to extend the life of your shoes and keep them looking like new. These simple tips, which not everyone knows, are basic care tips that we will never forget:

  1. Don't pile them up:

This first tip seems obvious, but it is difficult to find a place in the house to put our pairs of shoes in their boxes, since they take up a lot of space, so another option is to place them in a shoe rack, but always clean and in a suede bag that protects them from any avoidable friction..

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Types of leather for shoe manufacturing

When we look for suitable footwear, we usually look at its appearance, but we rarely look at the material it is made of and whether it is the most useful for the function we want to give it and for our foot, in order to be able to choose more wisely, below, we will see different types of leather, which although they are all leather, each one has characteristics that define it as unique.


This leather is characterized by a soft and oiled feel, while being rigid and with a solid structure.

The main advantage of this leather is its resistance to wear and tear, but without losing breathability and without ceasing to be comfortable and elastic.

These characteristics make it a perfect option for more robust shoes for daily use and sports or hardened by tanning to create highly breathable soles.


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Benefits of wearing leather shoes

The feet can be one of the parts of our body that suffer the most throughout the day, since they have to support our body weight, whether standing in a fixed place or walking. That is why we should take much more care of them than we do, and as we will see below, a good way to start taking care of your feet is by using appropriate footwear.

The material used to make shoes represents 70% of the quality of the footwear, while the 30% of its quality is the assembly of the same. Because of this, in the following lines we are going to focus on the materials, to better understand the importance of using leather to have good podiatric health.

Leather is a natural material above all, so offers breathabilityThis feature is one of the most important, since being a porous material it allows for greater hygiene, reducing foot irritation and reducing the possibility of fungus appearing. Closely related to this quality is that of absorption, since it is also capable of absorbing sweat, reducing humidity inside the footwear and creating a feeling of freshness. These two qualities ensure that the temperature of the feet remains warm in winter and cooler in summer.

Another difference to highlight with synthetic imitations is, without a doubt, that the latter tend to cause many more allergies, due for example to the dyes they use, together with their low breathability. We can consider leather a material hypoallergenic, since there are very few cases in which these cases are detected using this material.

Flexibility This is another characteristic that makes the quality of leather shoes unique, making them much softer and more comfortable, adapting to the foot for each person, moment or problem that we have with them. The foot undergoes variations in size throughout the day, expanding and shrinking depending on the temperature it reaches, which is why it is important to use this material especially on the “instep” of the shoe.


This flexibility allows it to be a much more durable material than synthetic materials, since when used for several hours making normal walking movements, the leather gives way and adapts to the posture without cracking or splitting as happens with other materials. In addition, if you take care of your leather footwear with the appropriate cleaning products, you can extend its useful life and keep it looking in perfect condition despite being used for a long time.


As we have previously mentioned, the fitting of the shoe is also important and leather shoes usually lack internal seams, which means that the rubbing and annoying folds disappear. avoiding wounds and blisters very common, especially in new shoes.

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