Author name: Sport and Horse Riding Valverde SL

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Enjoy luxury on your feet every day

For a man, footwear is not just another item of clothing. Nowadays, shoes mean something more, they are a symbol of luxury, more than just an accessory. This item of clothing can totally define your look, show that you are fashionable, but they are also a reflection of a person who is willing to invest in something that really matters.

It doesn't matter if the footwear is more formal, or simply for everyday use, in any case, top quality footwear is noticeable at a glance. José de Mora is committed to this footwear, making luxury models not just classic models, but adding touches of colour or small variations that make them unique as well as elegant. Handmade shoes, with the best materials, personalised give us the result that any man seeks in his look, that is, special, unique footwear, in short, luxury footwear.

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Shoes for Easter 2017

Easter is approaching, and with it the uncertainty of the weather. It is important to understand that footwear is as important for its characteristics as it is for its aesthetics as it is for its utility. In order to combine your shoes appropriately, you must also pay attention to the characteristics of the weather. This is perhaps a difficult point to achieve in spring, so we are going to take it into account in this article, in order to solve this problem as much as possible.

The first thing we must decide is the destination, since these holidays have very different uses. It is not the same to spend this week in Seville watching Easter processions than in a small town lost in the mountains with high humidity or on the beach. Despite this, there are standard tips that can help you in any of these options.

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The moccasin is a shoe that is quite popular today, thanks to its comfort and elegant appearance. But it is interesting to know its history and the changes it has undergone over the years.

The moccasin, although it has never been given much attention, originates from Norway. When the soldiers returned to the USA after the First World War, they did not want to part with this wonderful footwear that they had discovered among Norwegian cattlemen. The shoemaker Aurlan did not miss the opportunity to export his country's footwear and created the predecessor of the moccasin, although this model had laces, and managed to sell it at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893. However, the moccasins most similar to those we know today were created by GH Bass in 1936 and he called them "Weejuns", a very American name, which was completely far from its origins.

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Men's footwear for the winter season 2017

Fashion is not only about clothes, nowadays footwear is undergoing great transformations that make it necessary to know how to combine it in an appropriate way to obtain the best result. The best stylists agree that there are many occasions in which a good shoe dresses more than the best suit, although the ideal is that both go together. The changes have not only occurred in footwear, but these changes are a direct consequence of the change in the male mentality, since more and more men are concerned about their image and paying the necessary attention to footwear is one of the first lessons that must be learned, in order to be able to choose one or the other at the right time. If you are one of those men who likes to be fashionable, in this article we show the new trends, as far as footwear is concerned, for the coming months.

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Some existing footwear models

This time we bring you new information so that you can enjoy our blog and also learn about the fascinating world of footwear. There are many types of footwear in the world, in this article we will show you the main models and the characteristics that define them, in a future article we will talk about those types of footwear that we have left out.


Boot or Ankle Boot footwear models.


Boots and ankle boots are a classic type of footwear. The first boots we have evidence of date back 15,000 years and their initial function was to protect, although in ancient times they were already profusely decorated for a purely aesthetic purpose. Boots were exclusively a male shoe until the beginning of the 19th century, when they also began to be worn by women. From this date on, boots and ankle boots began to be manufactured specifically for women.


There are countless models of boots, almost as many as there are tastes and people. And of course the “camperos” boots, which date back to the 14th century and were used by farmers for farm work. Since then, they have been manufactured by hand, a tradition that has been fairly well preserved, although they are also mass-produced today.

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How to combine your cowboy boots for any occasion

The boots that we call “camperas” are a type of boot that is very widespread throughout the world, although they are known by other names. Originally, they were footwear designed for horse riding and farm work. Nowadays, they are used for almost any occasion. In Andalusia, they are very popular footwear, especially in connection with festivals and celebrations such as pilgrimages and fairs. An example of their popularity can be seen in the “El Rocio” pilgrimage in Huelva, where we can see more than half a million campera boots on pilgrimage from all corners of Spain and parts of abroad.

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Footwear for the fall-winter 2016 season

As we are already in the middle of autumn, it is time to talk about the new trends that are being worn in terms of footwear. The first thing that many people ask themselves is whether last season's shoes will be useful to be fashionable or at least look fashionable this season. The truth is that it will depend on ourselves which choice we make, on how "up to date" we want to be, but this season it will be easier than other years to reuse outfits since we will continue with the line from last season.

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