For a man, footwear is not just another item of clothing. Nowadays, shoes mean something more, they are a symbol of luxury, more than just an accessory. This item of clothing can totally define your look, show that you are fashionable, but they are also a reflection of a person who is willing to invest in something that really matters.
It doesn't matter if the footwear is more formal, or simply for everyday use, in any case, top quality footwear is noticeable at a glance. José de Mora is committed to this footwear, making luxury models not just classic models, but adding touches of colour or small variations that make them unique as well as elegant. Handmade shoes, with the best materials, personalised give us the result that any man seeks in his look, that is, special, unique footwear, in short, luxury footwear.
How do you achieve the exclusive casual look with José de Mora shoes?
The quality of the materials is one of our strong points, and this is something that can have clear consequences on the final result, as well as the work done by hand, carefully by experts. But what really makes us unique are our designs, our own designs, with innovation as a point of reference and trying to adapt the models to the tastes of our clients. For this reason we can say that José de Mora footwear offers luxury footwear for every day of the year, especially designed to be worn with jeans without losing the elegance that any man should maintain in his clothing. Below we propose different models and tips that will make your daily look have the touch that makes the difference, simply with a good combination of footwear.
Loafers, jeans and a semi-formal top.
Moccasins give us a look very similar to the English model, but they are a more versatile shoe and do not condition our clothing as much as the English model. Their appearance is generally less formal, but that does not mean that we lose elegance, they simply allow us to use them with any jeans in a correct way, as well as with other casual pants or even with a suit. But a tip so that this shoe really highlights your look with jeans, is to use a semi-casual outfit on top, such as a blazer and a shirt.
Brogues with rolled up jeans .
There are many different models of jeans on the market so you can choose the one that best suits you. If you want to look good with good shoes, it is advisable to choose a model that fits your waist and hips correctly and is straight. This type of pants allows for a small fold at the bottom to give more visibility to your exclusive shoes. But always remember that they must be the right length, whether they are folded or not.
Brogues are the perfect shoe to wear with cuffed jeans, as they are also a versatile shoe, just like loafers, ideal for casual wear. A very suitable look for this shoe would be to combine the shoe with a pair of socks in a suitable colour, cuffed jeans, a shirt and a matching sweater.
Wear Blucher shoes with skinny jeans.
If you are a fan of Bluchers, we can also offer you a look for you. This shoe allows the jeans to be tight, so the look achieved will be casual and modern, while giving great importance to the footwear by leaving it practically uncovered. It can be combined with any semi-formal top or simply with a casual shirt, giving a casual but very correct and elegant touch.
Accessories are an essential part of your look
Accessories are not just a naval affair, a well-finished look always takes care of the small details, so you must take into account that the combination of your shoes with these is impeccable. Always taking care of the subtlety that will lead you to the elegance that any man should pursue.
It is a fact that luxury helps us look better, so there is nothing wrong with wanting to keep it in mind every day. If fashion is one of your great interests and you like to create your own looks, we encourage you to use our footwear, as we are sure that you will not be disappointed with the result. If you like to dress fashionably and look really good but can't decide on any model, any stylist can help you and you will surely find the perfect footwear for you within our wide range.